28 May 2015

I went to Ireland last week and I fell in love with the people and the scenery and the Guinness. I’ve decided to do one post for each day I was there so this isn’t a million years long. If you skip them I promise I won’t mind.


28 May 2015 – County Dublin

Arrived in Dublin a bit bleary-eyed (read: hideously jet-lagged) at 10:45am and arrived at our hotel to find out that Ithaca and I didn’t have a room yet, so we crowded into Mom and Dad’s room to freshen up. With four people and twenty five minutes I settled for a whore bath and mascara.

Then it was off to meet our tour guide, Brendan Heneghan, and our driver, Trevor Donnell, and a tour of Dublin by bus where I almost broke my own neck when I fell asleep while sitting up and my head crashed forward, startling me awake. I am not practiced at sleeping sitting up.

We also got a tour of Dublin Castle where we saw many grim-faced portraits and learned about the history of the British in Ireland. Then it was back to the Conrad Hotel for our welcome drink to meet the rest of our tour group. Then we went to Alfie’s, attached to the hotel, for the worst service and the best tartar sauce I’ve ever had, so it evened out.

Back in the room I attempted to figure out the three-knobbed shower, a disaster which resulted in a hysteria-filled near-breakdown as I helplessly shrieked to Ithaca that I was so tired I couldn’t even figure out how to take a shower. But eventually I did (by avoiding two of the three knobs) and fell asleep almost instantly.